About Us

About Value Squared

Our Responsible Investment House is the first of its kind in Israel. We invest in public equity with positive impact to create squared value for our clients. Responsible Investments are impact investments which integrate standard financial evaluation with Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) analysis.

This kind of investment creates squared value: research indicates that Responsible Investment generates higher financial returns as well as enabling investors to correlate investments with values. More than 1,700 financial institutions worldwide, including the likes of BlackRock, Calpers and JPMorgan, have already internalized this insight and are embedding ESG in some of their investment strategies. Moreover, this realization creates an enhancing effect, because it generates more demand for responsible equity and may increase possibilities for better returns. What sets us apart from the rest is our unique methodology that puts impact first.

We are proud to have received the recognition from the global B Corporation movement

SFDR Report

This comprehensive SFDR report has been meticulously prepared to fulfill the highest standards of transparency and disclosure as mandated by the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). Value Squared - The Responsible Investment House proudly presents its commitment to responsible and sustainable investing, showcasing the integration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into its investment practices.

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The Value² Team

Value² Fund’s financial and impact teams include veteran Israeli investment managers and experts in ESG analysis with years of experience in disciplined investment, building wealth and creating social impact. The investment team meets on a weekly basis to review investments:

Noga Levtzion-Nadan

Noga Levtzion-Nadan

Managing Partner

Noga is a pioneer in promoting Responsible Investment in Israel. She is the founder and CEO of Greeneye, a Responsible Investment consulting firm that was awarded the ‘Green Globe Award’ in 2016 by Israel’s Knesset.

Yuval Haberman

Yuval Haberman

Managing Partner

Yuval has more than 20 years of experience at some of Israel’s leading investment firms, including Menora Insurance, Leumi Providence Funds and Amitim Senior Pension Funds, where he managed a cumulative $15 billion in investments.

Avi Moav

Avi Moav

Chief Investment Officer

Avi brings more than 25 years of experience in private portfolio management in high level firms, including Alternative and Platinum Fund Israel, where he managed a $500 million fund.

Laure Salama

Laure Salama

Vice Head of Research

Laure is an impact analyst as well as an experienced business analyst in corporate finance from the leaders in the European banking sector.

Yuval Stav

Yuval Stav

Head of Impact

Yuval is a social entrepreneur, manager and consultant in both the public and private sectors. He is an experienced research analyst in both local and international arenas.

Noemí Melul

Noemí Melul

Customer Relations & Sales Manager

Noemí holds experience in leading teams developing communities, marketing and project management. She’s a positive human who aims to make an impact.

Eyal Haviv

Eyal Haviv

Financial Analyst

Eyal is a financial analyst with extensive experience in analysis in a variety of fields. In his military service, he served as a fighter pilot and flight instructor in the Israeli Air Force

Value² Advisory Board

The Managing Partners benefit from the wisdom and experience of an advisory board comprised of seasoned and trusted investment professionals and pioneers in impact investment activities. The members of the Advisory Board include:

Prof. Glenn Yago

Prof. Glenn Yago

Glen served as Director of the Milken Center for Innovation at the Jerusalem Institute. He is a founding member and senior associate at the Financial Innovation Lab at the Milken Institute for Policy Studies.

Prof. Yossi Tamir

Prof. Yossi Tamir

Yossi is the former CEO of the National Insurance Institute (NII), the Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute, and an Associate Professor of Economics at Hebrew University.

Michal Sapir

Michal Sapir

Michal is a long-time external director of TASE traded companies with over 25 years of managerial experience in finance, mergers and acquisitions, and strategic processes. She is a Fellow of the Heschel Sustainability Center and currently a business consultant for technology start-ups and nonprofits.

Marla Stein

Marla Stein

Marla is an entrepreneur and passionate supporter of the Israeli impact field. She is a committed social justice activist and philanthropist, as well as a member of the Jewish Funders Network, the Forum of Foundations, and Toniic. She also serves as Co-Chair of the JFN Green Funders’ Forum.

Barak Soreni

Barak Soreni

Strategic Advisor

Barak is the former Senior Investment Manager at PsagotOfek, Israel’s largest investment company, and former Head of its Credit Committee and Non-Tradable Assets team, with over 25 years of experience in Israel’s financial industry. He also served on the Board of the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. Prof.

Ayala Resnick-Dotan

Ayala Resnick-Dotan

Financial expert in valuations and money management in large public companies for decades.

Shmuel Ben-Tovim

Shmuel Ben-Tovim

Director of the innovation community Fintech.IL, founder of the Israeli fintech center association. Previously served in senior economic positions at the Israeli embassies in the UK and US, and at the Ministry of Trade and Industry. Was the head of the Kfar Shmariahu local council and director of leading companies and organizations in Israel.